George Maguire

George Maguire

  • Born: 1946-12-4
  • Height: 6' (1.83 m)
  • Profession: actor
  • Representative Works: Evil Space 3
  • George Maguire, actor, representative work "Evil Space 3".
    Extended Reading
    • Eveline 2022-03-21 09:03:16

      Courage to fight the world

      Very, very good movie, Kevin Bacon's incisive performance in it affects every nerve of yours! Because of the inhuman treatment over the years, he has lost all the power to survive. Apart from shrinking in a corner, he knows nothing and doesn't know what to do. He is at a loss but yearns for...

    • Priscilla 2022-02-07 14:50:53

      Murder in the First Degree - The Definition of Victory

      This is a deep and poignant legal film, and unlike Grisham's legal novels, Mark Rocco's work focuses primarily on the law itself, not just criminals, lawyers , a judge or a jury.
      This title will make people mistake it for a stereotypical mainstream story about how to overturn a wrongful case...

    • Kaitlyn 2022-03-16 09:01:08

      The United States began to enter the film explosion period in 1994 and disappeared for a short time, but it exported a lot of values, including the good music of the film. First-degree murder is also a story of individuals fighting against the system, but in fact winning is not human nature, human nature and the system. The double standard in the United States is still the same virtue (while exporting values, while ignoring people's lives), the paradox of the movie is that the male protagonist graduated from college, He opened his own law firm that year. Is he for justice or for himself?

    • Meredith 2022-02-07 14:50:53

      It turned out to be a legal film Alcatraz Island, commonly referred to as simply Alcatraz or locally as The Rock

    Murder in the First quotes

    • Henri Young: I got nothin'. I got nobody. I don't need a lawyer, I need a friend.

    • Henri Young: Hey, you wanna do something for me? Let's play cards...