Helena Yea

Helena Yea

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  • Extended Reading
    • Lea 2022-04-18 17:34:52

      I'm much more affected by stephen king than i thought i was.

      I watched the three-hour movie Stephen King's IT in two days.

      When I first picked up the IT book, I didn't know that I would never finish it.
      So I started reading from preface, and I didn't look up any words I didn't know. Read until 1/3 of the way, and then it is difficult to go further.


    • Carolyn 2022-04-18 17:34:52


      There is a kind of horror, not from visual stimulation, but from one's own recollection.
      Before the storm, the little girl saw a clown.
      During a heavy rain, a little boy playing a boat saw a clown in the sewer.
      In the quiet and beautiful picture, the clown suddenly appeared.
      The clown is the most...

    • Jewell 2022-04-21 09:02:08

      The construction part is very deliberate, but gradually you can ignore this flaw. The phobia of clowns is not the point. The sincere friendship between children is the part that everyone can relate to. The horror version of "Walk With Me" "; The spider monster at the end is too handsome.

    • Sophie 2022-04-21 09:02:08

      Didn't find it scary... I don't know why it didn't poke me. Tim Curry ah Tim Curry.

    It quotes

    • Eddie: [Has a flashback] I think I remember who Pennywise was now. Big white guy... Red nose... Bout 75 feet tall...

      [Starts crying]

      Eddie: Mouth full of razor-sharp teeth?

    • Belch: I can get them, if they only half-believe. But you. You're alive, Henry. You can get them no matter if they believe, half-believe, or don't believe at all.