Jasmine Guy

Jasmine Guy

  • Born: 1962-3-10
  • Height: 5' 2" (1.57 m)
  • Extended Reading
    • Magnus 2022-09-06 11:48:12

      Forever LC!

      When I watched this TV, it was the summer vacation of 5th grade. I remember that all the local stations were broadcasting, and I was crazy about the actor CLARK. I still have a good impression of the big glasses until now ^-^. I remember that summer vacation, every afternoon They all went to a fat...

    • Dorothy 2022-11-05 16:28:01

      Beautiful superhero enlightenment

      This 90's TV series seems to be a superhuman enlightenment for many people. I accidentally mentioned it once, and several friends even remembered this TV series and said they liked Clark very much. As the title suggests, the highlight of the show is not Superman, but Superman's other identity,...

    Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman quotes

    • [talking about Clark]

      Martha: Jonathan, of course he was acting odd, haven't you been listening to him? He's in love.

    • Lois Lane: [Lois, Clark, Perry, Lex Luthor and Jack are all being held hostage in the Daily Planet building] Jimmy... Jimmy, he could save us!

      Perry White: Ah, come on, Jimmy couldn't save baseball cards.