Jean-Louis Blondeau

Jean-Louis Blondeau

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Landen 2022-11-05 10:17:09

      Wire lead to success

      Wire lead to success

      - Review of the movie "The Man on a Tightrope"

    • Hillary 2022-11-10 20:45:11

      One without tower, two without rope

      This movie was known a long time ago. It is regarded as an inspirational film, so it is put aside. Until recently, there was a clip in Paul Ingram's class at Columbia Business School that really stimulated me, so I looked for it. Paul's part is a re-editing of the film so that only Petite is left...

    Man on Wire quotes

    • Sgt Charles Daniels: ...I observed the tight rope dancer... because you couldn't call him a walker... approximately half-way between the two towers. I personally figured I was watching something that somebody else would never see again in the world. Thought it was once in a lifetime.

    • Philippe Petit: As a child, I loved to climb everywhere. I'll let the psychiatrists decide why. Maybe I wanted to escape my time. Maybe I wanted to see the world from a different perspective and I was an explorer at heart. Who knows and who cares? But I was a little climber. And nobody, not my parents, not the teachers, nobody could stop me.