Jeremy Kemp

Jeremy Kemp

  • Born: 1935-1-3
  • Birthplace: Chesterfield, Derbyshire, UK
  • Height: 6' 3" (1.91 m)
  • Profession: actor
  • Nationality: America
  • Representative Works: "Angels&Insects", "Four Weddings and a Funeral"
  • Jeremy Kemp, American actor, major works include " Angels&Insects ", " Four Weddings and a Funeral " and so on.
    Extended Reading
    • Raleigh 2022-04-23 07:03:40

      Cleopatra - The times create heroes, and Cleopatra is also created.

      Cleopatra had the guts and knowledge to meet Caesar with only one of her cronies, who was wrapped in a rug. She understood Caesar's heart, straightforward, and moved Caesar in a few words, that is, to help her become the king of Egypt, use Egypt's wealth and food, Rome's power and military, and...

    • Ally 2022-04-22 07:01:45

      The ruins are memorable

      "Cleopatra" is so grand and magnificent, it touches both historical architecture and humanistic design. Seeing the peak buildings in the film, it is not difficult to understand that there is still a large ruin in the center of Rome today. The devastation of the war makes the ruins of the decaying...

    • Kallie 2022-03-19 09:01:07

      It is indescribable. Although it is not the highest investment in history, it is enough to burn money. Burning clothes, buildings, and decorations, but also did not ignore the plot, feelings and characters. Although Caesar was deified and Anthony turned waste wood, Cleopatra It's enough if you are full, Yupo, Yupo. . . . The white skin and the round body are beautiful, beautiful

    • Mavis 2022-03-20 09:02:23

      At the beginning, a full two and a half minutes of music appeared before the FOX logo of the 20th century, a blockbuster show. . Cleopatra is a confusing woman. It cannot be denied that there is still a love element in her politically motivated temptation. Although this film is not very interesting, given that it is a color epic blockbuster of the 1960s, the actors are also very good, so it is already very good to be filmed like this, um, the scene is gorgeous. However, this film actually lasted more than 4 hours. .

    Cleopatra quotes

    • Marc Antony: There's not enough gold in Egypt to buy the honor of a Roman senator.

      Julius Caesar: More than enough, it seems, to buy his vote.

    • Cimber: I remember something odd. At one point, Caesar asked of each of us... what manner of death we would choose. And Caesar, when it came to him, looked straight at me and said: "Sudden?"