Jimmy Gambina

Jimmy Gambina

  • Born: 1943-5-3
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Sammy 2022-05-01 06:01:04

      Send a timeline

      The Planet of the Apes series has a huge and complete world view.

      In 1972,

      astronauts Taylor, Dodge, Stewart, and Langdon began their first interstellar exploratory voyage.

      The astronauts "Captain" (unknown name) and Brandt flew along the same route as the previous spacecraft to explore the cause...

    • Jean 2022-05-01 06:01:04

      Planet of the Apes series finale

      There are five films in the Planet of the Apes series. This is the final song. Although Roddy later made two more TV films, the official Planet of the Apes film series generally only contains five. Tim Burton’s Planet of the Apes in 2001 and 2011’s Rise of the Planet of the Apes are different...

    • Cindy 2022-05-01 06:01:04

      The critical moment revealed naive optimism, too idealistic. The introspection, self-consciousness and humility of a particularly civilized one has been proved by countless things to be infeasible even today. It's really serious about anti-nuclear weapons. I don’t know if fox is going to have a Disney surname soon...

    • Angie 2022-05-01 06:01:04

      These latter three are more like a family trilogy, and at the same time trace the possibility of the first savage and the second nuclear superman, and at the same time open up a possible future. I have to say that the image design of Caesar in Rise is quite similar to Caesar in this film.

    Battle for the Planet of the Apes quotes

    • Mandemus: Stop! Stop! Caesar forbids yoooooou!

    • [first lines]

      Title Card: North America, 2670 A.D.

      The Lawgiver: In the beginning God created beast and man so that both might live in friendship and share dominion over a world of peace. But in the fullness of time evil men betrayed God's trust and in disobedience to His holy word waged bloody wars, not only against their own kind, but against the apes, whom they reduced to slavery. Then God in his wrath sent the world a saviour, miraculously born of two apes who descended on Earth from Earth's own future and man was afraid for both parent apes possessed the power of speech