Joe Bays

Joe Bays

  • Born:
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  • Extended Reading
    • Taurean 2022-09-06 17:53:59

      Can see the beginning but not the end

      There is a very interesting statement in the online American TV forum: the 7 most popular crime detective dramas other than the CSI series are called "Seven Deadly Sins", they are the closer, Bones, Medium, Without a trace, NCIS , Criminal minds, and numb3rs. I have seen most of them, and I...

    • Erna 2022-10-03 18:57:36

      leave temporarily

      There is always a feeling of indifference to seeing the scene of the disappearance. Compared with those who commit murder and arson as soon as they come up, there are criminal psychology CMs, crime scene investigation CSIs, etc.; those who set fire to autopsy bones have knowledge of bone tracing...

    Without a Trace quotes

    • Samantha: You wanna tell everyone, don't you?

      Martin: Look, Sam, you already know how I feel, and now Danny's asking. But this probably isn't the best time to talk about it.

      Samantha: Fine, we won't talk about it.

    • Danny: Martin, why don't you just ask me what you wanna ask me? Go.

      Martin: Look, I know you don't drink...

      Danny: Yes. I'm an alcoholic. I haven't had a drink in 7 years, 3 months and 18 days.

      Martin: Good for you.

      Danny: And not a day goes by when I'm not dying to have a drink, which is why I go to meetings twice a week. You got it?