John Boehner

John Boehner

  • Born: 1949-11-17
  • Height: 5' 8" (1.73 m)
  • Extended Reading
    • Camylle 2022-04-21 09:02:52

      Strange thing: everyone can see his prejudices, but why does he always get to the point!

      Please note that I speak Chinese, prejudice: a preconceived notion.

      His stereotype is anti-capitalist. Most of the interviews he interviewed were low-level people. But every film reveals the mystery:
      America's guns are rampant because of racial problems,
      the medical system is because of...

    • Alden 2022-03-22 09:02:19

      About country and people

      A country is not made up of people, but of various kinds of capital. It only considers problems from the perspective of capital, sometimes it borrows the laws of nature, sometimes it borrows human wisdom, but all of them. Human beings are only its employees, and have always been somewhat hostile to...

    • Laurine 2022-03-24 09:02:47

      There are so many clever people, bursting.

    Capitalism: A Love Story quotes

    • Michael Moore: You know, I can't really do this anymore, unless those of you who are watching this in the theater want to join me. I hope you will. And please... speed it up.

    • Michael Moore: [Regarding the February, 2009 crash of Continental flight 3407 in Buffalo, New York] No one survived the crash, and 50 people lost their lives. The Media focused on the actions of the pilots.

      Continental air crash reporter: Capt. Marvin Renslow and First Officer Shaw were chatting about their careers.

      Michael Moore: "Careers" is a euphemism for what the pilots were really talking about: how little they were paid, and how overworked they were. There would be no discussion in the Media about why we have an economic system that allows a pilot to be paid less than a manager at Taco Bell.