Jon Brazier

Jon Brazier

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Eldon 2022-10-28 16:53:50

      To understand the values ​​of the non-self is to understand the larger world

      I thought about it for a long time, and at a loss, I felt that neither of the two male protagonists was the love that the director wanted to praise. Or the director didn't want to sing about love. Ada didn't choose the "savage" baines. In the movie, she just chose to take a brave step and choose...

    • Geraldine 2022-10-20 08:31:41

      The Piano

      The Piano, I heard her play first and then saw her perform.
      I think the deep sea may be silent, but people cannot reach it. When people have life, they have desires. Can't sink completely. Even if people don't want to float, there is a bond that pulls people away from the silent world.
      People are...

    The Piano quotes

    • George Baines: I want to lie together without clothes on.

    • George Baines: I have given the piano back to you. I've had enough. The arrangement is making you a whore, and me, wretched. I want you to care for me. But you can't. It's yours, leave. Go on, go.