Karin Neuhäuser

Karin Neuhäuser

  • Born: 1955-0-0
  • Height: 5' 7" (1.7 m)
  • Extended Reading
    • Eula 2022-04-20 09:02:17

      no wind and waves

      The whole story involves politics and religion, and because the rule of law in the country is different, there are some views and practices that I cannot understand. It is bizarre and absurd that a murderer can be acquitted even when the evidence is conclusive. I wonder if the streets of the...

    • Lolita 2022-03-28 09:01:10

      In the end it won't go away with the wind

      The rating is a bit low. The last few twists were fantastic. At first, she might think that Katya's revenge against the two Nazis in the same way was too much of a relief, but when she finally saw the birds circling, she gave up the hard-earned opportunity and went back to the hotel. At this time,...

    • Alvera 2022-03-17 09:01:07

      Scheduled to be the queen

    • Keegan 2022-03-25 09:01:19

      German Film Festival @ Broadway MOMA. A powerful revenge story with very obvious practical references. PS: I can't believe that this German Film Festival has manual mosaics! It appeared during several film screenings. There are two or three times in this film, the scene of drug use and the scene of suicide by cutting one's wrist in the bathtub (not even naked). After the second time, I deliberately looked back and it turned out that the projectionist was holding something like frosted glass to block it in front of the projector for several times. Seconds, so the entire big screen is blurred, only the outline can be seen. This is really eye-opening. I have seen so many film festivals/exhibitions in the imperial capital, and even the bloody and pornographic scenes are shown the same. This is the first time I have encountered such "cultural self-confidence" "self-castration", I really ha ha ha ha ha .

    In the Fade quotes

    • Katja Sekerci: [attacking Edda in court] Look at me, you cunt! I'll kill you!