Krystal Landrum

Krystal Landrum

  • Born: 1970-7-6
  • Height: 5' 7" (1.7 m)
  • Extended Reading
    • Josie 2022-01-19 08:01:09

      Cozy movie

      This movie is not long, but it expresses a lot of meaning, reflecting the relationship between father and son, mother-child relationship, colleague relationship, friend relationship, couple relationship, European and American relationship, immigrant relationship, etc. It still feels very...

    • Retta 2022-01-19 08:01:09

      That bottle of Chardonnay, how beautiful

      Wine has a history of thousands of years, and France is the most famous producer of high-quality wine. In 1976, California, USA, only experienced more than two hundred years of winemaking history. What an incredible wine it can present to the world, we all drew a big question mark in our hearts....e

    • Kaci 2022-04-23 07:03:57

      maybe just I'm british and you are not.. Why is Pine in this movie so smashing hhh Mexicans are a bit panda-like ww. The girls are so beautiful I want to make red wine with aphrodisiac

    • Alexandro 2022-04-21 09:03:06

      The editing didn't quite like it, the music was intrusive, and the love story was boring. Enough to see the wine

    Bottle Shock quotes

    • Steven Spurrier: No offense, but I don't foresee the imminent cultivation of the Chicago vine.

    • Maurice: It's oaky... Oh, yeah, and smoky. I detect... bacon fat... laced with honey melon.