K.T. Thangavelu

K.T. Thangavelu

  • Born:
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  • Extended Reading
    • Clovis 2022-08-10 23:57:43

      You'll like it

      The prosperity of BT has created the popularity of American TV series. With an unattractive title and an unglamorous heroine, it is really not easy to dig out Medium from the vast sea. But I believe that as long as you have watched a few episodes, you will definitely have continued interest.

    • Icie 2022-11-05 05:52:45

      Truth that comes with time

      The eighth of watching American TV drama ——Medium

      leaves are many, the root is one; Though there are many branches, the root is one;
      Through all the lying days of my youth
      I swayed my leaves and flowers in the sun; I shake off my branches and flowers in the sun.
      Now I may wither into the truth. Now...

    Medium quotes

    • Ariel Dubois: Oh, my goodness, here comes Sean!

      Bridgette Dubois: Hey, maybe he's going to propose!

    • [Allison is hunting for her keys]

      Joe Dubois: Keys? I would think even to get a psychic learner's permit you'd have to be able to find a lost set of...

      Allison Dubois: [holding them] Keys?