Kyrie Mcalpin

Kyrie Mcalpin

  • Born:
  • Height: 4' 2" (1.27 m)
  • Extended Reading
    • River 2022-09-13 16:41:48

      Watching this show is a bit blue and thin

      "If you don't like it, don't spray it." To tell the truth, I have to make a derivative drama that is not as good as the actual drama? Maybe watching spin-off dramas is for TK... That devil filter, director, you want to shoot Texas style, but it shouldn't be all dark yellow, it's really visual...

    • Vilma 2022-09-13 18:12:29


      I watched the mother drama three seasons in a row, it was very good. The characters are vivid and specific. Everyone has their own story. After watching so many American dramas, the first time I watched the drama moved me, and many of the episodes in it used Grammys, which sounded very good. I...