Lise Roy

Lise Roy

  • Born: 1924-0-0
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Ernestine 2022-06-15 16:48:57

      give me a little more tenderness

      Some of the experiences I have written on and off over the past year, followed by some memorable quotes in the original French language, most of the historical allusions are there, and a small amount of evaluation and explanation for each.


      Another look at Les...

    • Angus 2022-06-15 16:04:19

      didn't understand

      "We've all done it, from separatist, independent, sovereign, sovereign-cum-corporatist"

      "We went from Existential Enlightenment, to Sartre, Camus, to Anticolonial after Fanon"

    The Barbarian Invasions quotes

    • Rémy: I wish that one day you will have a son like you.

    • Rémy: [in French] Contrary to belief, the 20th century wasn't that bloody. It's agreed that wars caused 100 million deaths. Add 10 million for the Russian gulags. The Chinese camps, we'll never know, but say 20 million. So 130, 145 million dead. Not all that impressive. In the 16th century, the Spanish and Portuguese managed, without gas chambers or bombs, to slaughter 150 million Indians in Latin America. With axes! That's a lot of work, sister. Even if they had church support, it was an achievement. So much so tha the Dutch, English, French, and later Americans followed their lead and butchered another 50 million. 200 million dead in all! The greatest massacre in history took place right here. And not the tiniest holocaust museum. The history of mankind is a history of horrors.