Lorna Gray

Lorna Gray

  • Born: 1917-7-26
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Matilda 2022-03-21 09:01:54

      Long live democracy

      "Mr. Smith to Washington" can be said to be an excellent interpretation of the democratic political system in the United States, and the film's other name "Long Live Democracy" can be said to be the main theme. ".
      Perhaps what Americans are most proud of is their democratic system, but the film...

    • Alec 2021-12-09 08:01:20

      Comment on "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington"

      For a long time, I have always believed that writing any commentary article should be calm and objective, and avoid putting personal likes and dislikes and subjective emotions into the text too much. After all, the reviewer should play a humble role. In addition to logical, well-founded...

    • Alia 2022-03-29 09:01:03

      A beautiful but unrealistic political fairy tale, Smith's 24-hour speech, reading the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, and fighting against corrupt alliances by oneself is the best interpretation of the American spirit representing freedom and democracy.

    • Oceane 2022-04-20 09:01:41

      either im right , or im crazy. Sad ending.

    Mr. Smith Goes to Washington quotes

    • Governor Hopper: That settles it! I will not be attacked and belittled by my own children in my own home! Oh, my nerves are strained to the breaking point!

      Mrs. Hopper: Oh, Hubert.

    • James Taylor: A Boy Ranger? A squirrel chaser to the United States Senate?

      Governor Hopper: Listen, Jim, a simpleton of all times. A big eyed baby. Knows Lincoln and Washington by heart. Stands at attention in the Governor's presence. He even collects stray boys and cats.

      James Taylor: He does what?