Louis Vanaria

Louis Vanaria

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  • Extended Reading
    • Glenna 2022-03-19 08:01:02

      S03E01 Evaluation

      He used one word to describe Americans every time he went to the United States to study: self-righteous
      This first episode made me stunned, and at the same time
      , he also admitted that his statement was completely correct

      . The bloody plot seems to be enough to prove that the screenwriter is clever...

    • Martina 2022-03-19 08:01:02

      Lonely, sensitive, wise, and a little sense of justice, so people will love this drama

      In Wallace's "debut" scene, the devil asked: What made Ahab obsessed in Moby Dick? Goren answers The dogged, unrelenting pursuit of evil in the back row. That scene is classic. It will almost certainly be included in a paper like The Role of British Accents in American Film and Television.


    • Andre 2022-03-19 08:01:02

      It seems that not many people have watched this movie, but it suits my taste very much. The investigation process and characterization are like still water. The fat and fat contrast is cute, rough and slender, sharp and fragile.

    • Vergie 2022-03-25 09:01:23

      Watched all the worth watching episodes in CI. Extremely distressed fat.

    Law & Order: Criminal Intent quotes

    • Detective Robert Goren: One thing this line of work teaches us is that guys will do anything for love.

    • Detective Alexandra Eames: When tourists take a bite of the Big Apple, the apple isn't supposed to bite back.