Luciano Acuna Jr.

Luciano Acuna Jr.

  • Born:
  • Height: 5' 11" (1.8 m)
  • Extended Reading
    • Mark 2022-04-18 17:34:53

      The works of Lawrence, the first person in contemporary European and American mystery novels

      "Walking Through the Shadow of Death" is his 1992 cold and dark mystery novel. At the time, it was a very good theme, kidnapping and murdering, gay, dismemberment, all kinds of curiosity, showing the darkness of New York and the distortion of human nature. However, I actually don't fully understand...

    • Ofelia 2022-04-18 17:34:53

      Hurricane Dad also plays a bad movie

      The ambient tone and background music are good, but the story is relatively poor. It is very different from the dragon tattoo, and it is also a novel adaptation. What does the director want to say? Will the protagonist make up his mind to eliminate evil and do his best if all the people around him...

    • Jorge 2022-04-18 17:34:53

      7.7 Liam Neeson saves his daughter again, but this time it's someone else's daughter. I always feel that McConaughey in "True Detective" fits my impression of Scudder the most. The ending has been changed, but the cross-cutting and hand-to-hand action scenes in the climax are very crotch-stretching. As one of the most chilling novels in the original series, the film is only a little gloomy and cold, and the others are almost tasteless.

    • Therese 2022-04-21 09:02:13

      the ending doesn't work

    A Walk Among the Tombstones quotes

    • Kenny Kristo: You used to be a cop, right?

      Matt Scudder: Yeah, I was with the 6th Precinct in the Village for a while. And before that, I was over here with the 75th.

      Kenny Kristo: So why'd you quit?

      Matt Scudder: I didn't like the hours, Mr. Kristo.

      Kenny Kristo: Nah, the corruption got to you, huh?

      Matt Scudder: Not really. It would have been hard to support my family without it.

    • Waitress - The Flame: Sure you don't want a soda or something, honey?

      TJ: I know you just love to give a young black man like myself one of your sperm-killer sodas. But no thank you, ma'am. I'll just stick with the water.

      Matt Scudder: What?

      TJ: They only give sodas to low-income people. With a bunch of chemicals in them to sterilize you. That's why I only drink water. A gallon a day and stay hydrated.