Luis Saguar

Luis Saguar

  • Born: 1956-10-6
  • Height:
  • Profession: actor
  • Representative Works: Pig hunting
  • Luis Saguar is an actor, his representative work is "Hunting Pigs", and his co-character is Landau Miller.
    Extended Reading

    Flawless quotes

    • Walt Koontz: How can a man cut off his balls, how do you do that?

      Rusty Zimmerman: Because, I'm a woman trapped in a man's body.

      Walt Koontz: Eh, you're ain't no woman.

      Rusty Zimmerman: I'm just not *your* idea of a woman, Walt.

      Walt Koontz: You're nobody's idea of a woman.

    • Cha-Cha: [about The Hunchback of Notre-Dame] It's about this guy who's really mis-shapen. Even worse than you.