Luke Treadaway

Luke Treadaway

  • Born: 1984-9-10
  • Birthplace: Devon, UK
  • Height: 5' 9" (1.75 m)
  • Profession: Actor, singer
  • Nationality: U.K
  • Representative Works: Fascinating platform
  • Luke Treadaway (Luke Treadaway) , born on September 10, 1984 in Exeter, Devon, England [1]  , is a British actor and singer. The main works are " A Street Cat Named Bob ".
    Extended Reading
    • Gayle 2022-01-19 08:02:30

      For all people in low self-esteem

      "In the life here, people stare at me and insult me. In another life, I am a normal person just like you. There, I fell in love with a beautiful girl, and then we fell in love, got married, and had a beautiful In my house, I finally had a child, a daughter, and a beautiful baby. I really want to...

    • Troy 2022-01-19 08:02:30

      Great chaos! Great attraction!

      How should I say, the movie saw the end.

      I think it's so difficult to understand. . . . . Oops. . . .

      Of course, if there is no magic part in the movie, then I think, ah, this is almost an inspirational story.

      The male pig's feet wanted to be beautiful, but it was a fake, just illusory, and finally...

    • Reyes 2022-04-20 09:02:23

      The male prostitute is so funny

    • Laurie 2022-04-21 09:03:13

      Why is the score so low for a very good movie... At the end, there is a glide in the corner of the eye...

    Heartless quotes

    • Papa B: Man is most creative at a time of peace and calm... I don't think so. Give Mankind nothing but calm and order, and Mankind is nothing on its own but a grazing cow. Man needs to be unpredictable to feel truly alive. To progress. To create. Mother Nature knows this. That's why she gives us cyclones, tsunamis. But sometimes, just sometimes, Mother Nature, she can't do it all. So what happens then? I help.

    • Papa B: I'm like the patron saint of random violence.