Marlon Yates Jr.

Marlon Yates Jr.

  • Born:
  • Height: 6' 2" (1.88 m)
  • Extended Reading
    • Alessandro 2022-01-27 08:02:11


      Put on beats headphones on the plane and start watching "Straight Outta Compton". Soon I saw the name of Dr. DRE, and I was a little surprised --- Dr. DRE and beats are the same mythological headset brand, so I don’t need to say anything about it.
      Yes, this is a biographical film about...

    • Rosario 2022-01-27 08:02:11

      History on the screen, reality off the screen

      (Some friends raised objections in the comments below, and I responded to them one by one. I hope that if you have a positive or negative feeling after reading this film review, please read the "long" written in the comment section again and participate Discuss, but don’t swear.) Text: (Scan the...

    • Kallie 2022-04-22 07:01:05

      Even without Jerry Heller, it's a matter of time before it falls apart

    • Cassandre 2022-04-21 09:01:39

      The story of the grandfather and grandfather of the rap class, a series of dirty sentences. The true charm of the biography is magnified very well, and the feelings are so strong that I, a girl who has never heard of singing, cried and laughed, and swayed together! I don’t know much about NWA, but I lived next door to Compton for three years, and it was very touching. I was misled by GPS several times and drove past Compton, and I found that I had lingering fear. It is said that the release in some theaters in California also requires "police blessing", so hard!

    Straight Outta Compton quotes

    • [Eric is upset that Jerry had embezzled money from him]

      Eazy-E: Here's what's about to happen. I'm gonna get N.W.A back together. And you ain't gonna have nothing to do with it this time.

      Jerry Heller: Why the fuck can you even say something like that? What the fuck is going on with you, man? I know what's good for you, I know what's good for Ruthless, and we have worked up a trust after years of hard work and that trust is our foundation, Eric. I don't give a shit.

      [Eric is coughing]

      Jerry Heller: [concerned] Eric? How is it man? Are you okay?

      Eazy-E: Trust? Trust is a muthafucka!

      Jerry Heller: Is it? May I ask you something? Eric, If what I'm doing is so illegal, how come I've never been sued? If I'm such a fucking thief, such a liar, such a motherfucker, how come nobody's ever come to collect? Because this is business. And this is how it works. And it's not always pretty, no. Do I cover my own ass? Do I cover my own end? Absolutely. But don't you dare fucking tell me that I have not taken care of you. Don't you fucking tell me that I've not had your back from day one! DAY ONE!

      Eazy-E: Is this taking care of me?

      Jerry Heller: Are you fucking kidding me? It's taking care of the whole fucking thing! It's business!

      [repeating what he said earlier]

      Jerry Heller: And this is how it works. Have I covered my end? Do I cover my ass? Absolutely. But don't you dare fucking tell me that I have not taken care of you.

      Eazy-E: Is this business too?

      Jerry Heller: Yes, this is business, this is how fucked up it can get. But I didn't start this! I didn't fuck it up! You did!

      Eazy-E: No, you did. You're fired, Jerry.

      [Eric leaves Jerry's house]

    • [Eazy is in a hospital after collapsing in a recording session]

      Tomica: Aren't you gonna say something? What is it? A respiratory infection, pneumonia, what?

      Young Doctor: Yes, well, it is those things and more, I'm afraid. We ran a full blood battery and... I'm sorry, Mr. Wright, but you've tested positive for HIV.

      Eazy-E: Get the fuck outta here.

      Tomica: What?

      Young Doctor: The normal T-cell count is anywhere between 500 and 1500. Right now, your T-cell count is 14.

      Eazy-E: But I ain't no faggot.

      Young Doctor: No, Mr. Wright, actually the virus can be transmitted in quite a few ways, including unprotected heterosexual sex.

      Eazy-E: That's wrong. You... you gotta test that again. Test that again.

      Young Doctor: We've run the test five times, with five different samples, and the results remain.

      Tomica: Shit!

      [Tomica storms out of the room]

      Eazy-E: She's pregnant, Doc! What does this mean?

      Young Doctor: It doesn't necessarily mean that she's contracted the virus, but... we'll have to test her, to be sure.

      Eazy-E: So what do we do? When do we start the the treatment? I mean, what... I gotta get healthy, I got things to do. I got... What's we supposed to do?

      Young Doctor: Mr. Wright, you need to understand that you are very, very sick.

      Eazy-E: But I don't even feel that bad Doc, don't tell me that.

      Young Doctor: With care, and palliative care, we can probably keep you comfortable for... maybe six months, at the very most.

      [by this time, Eazy is in a deep panic and is beginning to cry]

      Eazy-E: Comfortable? What do you mean comfortable?

      Young Doctor: It's just a matter of time. I am, I am truly, truly sorry, Mr. Wright. I'll leave you time to process this.

      [the doctor leaves the room, leaving Eazy helpless as he cries]