Michael Schwartz

Michael Schwartz

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Zelda 2022-04-25 06:01:01

      I really believe that when God closes a window, he really opens a door.

      Compared to many road movies, it is not particularly good, but it is easy and enjoyable to watch.

      Zach with Down syndrome is so-called "caring, loving and recuperating". This is a patient who is interested in wrestling until he sees it 10 times a day or does it 10 times, but he is The patient,...

    • Alexys 2022-04-25 06:01:01

      Because it is pure, so happy

      The first public account of this article [The Silent Aguang] Welcome to follow

      This small-cost independent film in the United States reminds me of "I'm Sam". Although the theme is different, it is naturally related to the brain's movie-viewing history because it involves Down syndrome. The same are...

    The Peanut Butter Falcon quotes

    • Tyler: What's rule number one?

      Zak: Party.

    • Zak: You are not invited to my birthday party!