Mikul Robins

Mikul Robins

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Verda 2022-02-10 08:01:03

      Simplicity is king

      Watching previous action movies, it was quite simple.
      Movies with this subject matter are just one word, hitting. Two words, violence.
      The plot is also very simple, creating contradictions, intersecting characters, and detonating. With all kinds of scenes, all kinds of weapons, all kinds of...

    • Quinn 2022-02-10 08:01:03

      Devil is angry


      A big muscular man who is 6 feet 2 inches tall with a fierce face and murderous face said that his daughter was held hostage and asked you to help him. What would you do? I would definitely choose the opportunity to report to the police, and at least get away if I had the chance. The...

    • Presley 2022-03-24 09:01:37

      It made my blood flow for the first time...

    • Alessandro 2022-03-25 09:01:07

      The film I watched repeatedly in my childhood, the bazooka shot backwards

    Commando quotes

    • [Matrix declines an offer to resume his unit]

      John Matrix: This was the last time.

      Major General Franklin Kirby: Until a next time.


      John Matrix: No chance.

    • John Matrix: [7:47]

      [reading about Boy George in a pop magazine]

      John Matrix: Why don't they just call him Girl George? It would cut down on the confusion.

      Jenny Matrix: Oh, Dad, that is so old.

      John Matrix: Ha Ha. You know when I was a boy and rock'n'roll came to East Germany, the communists said it was subversive.

      [thinks and smiles]

      John Matrix: Maybe they were right.