Nancy Gassner-Clayton

Nancy Gassner-Clayton

  • Born:
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  • Extended Reading
    • Leo 2022-03-20 09:01:23

      enemy of the state

      Of all the American blockbusters I've seen, Enemy of the Nation has left a lasting impression on me. It is not only full of explosions, racing cars, parkour, but also a large number of high-tech monitoring such as satellite tracking, radio monitoring and other electronic equipment, which makes the...

    • Gabrielle 2022-04-19 09:01:29

      Written on the day Obama came

      The box office man won't talk about him anyway. No matter how much he praises his acting skills, he won't have a vocabulary script, so don't talk about him. Hollywood's economic ability to write such a script is a matter of course.
      Many people are afraid of being too tolerant and think that our...

    • Eddie 2022-04-22 07:01:04

      I think some people are weird, it takes a bunch of people to save the world? You must know that sometimes a person's random actions and thoughts can change history. You can't ask a bunch of people to flush the water for you when you go to the toilet, right? BTW, this movie is telling us TMD that we can't have privacy, we're still being monitored even without legal permission because it's ZG! Eavesdropping on the storm is really pediatric compared to this!

    Enemy of the State quotes

    • [the NSA team is watching satellite footage of a conversation between Dean and Brill on a rooftop]

      Hicks: Can you get a feature scan and pattern matching on him?

      Van: No, he's smart, he never looks up.

      Jones: Why does he have to look up?

      Fiedler: The satellite is 155 miles above the Earth. It can only look straight down.

      Jones: That's a bit limited, isn't it?

      Van: [Sarcastically] Well, maybe you should design a better one.

      Jones: Maybe I will idiot.

    • [Carla is furious about the Privacy Bill being discussed on TV to Robert]

      Carla Dean: Don't you think you should be taking this a little more seriously?

      Robert Clayton Dean: Honey, I think you're taking it seriously enough for both of us, and half the block.