Natasha Davidson

Natasha Davidson

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  • Extended Reading
    • Stone 2021-11-25 08:01:21

      Disney, New Era to Positive Psychology

      ▉Before watching the movie▉In

      of the past , Disney has released a series of mild new era remakes, such as The Wonderland and Maleficent and Cinderella. (A major feature of New Era cultural products is reading old works, such as New Era music) .

      I thought this was the same, but I...t

    • Dewitt 2022-04-22 07:01:06

      Movies worth watching

      I'm a little late to this movie, but it's one I wanted to see because I saw the trailer and saw it was an interesting one. Based on Disney theme parks, but adding a unique story, the film opens up with a pretty intense opening that reminds me a lot of Hugo, a visually good looking sequence with...

    • Adeline 2021-11-25 08:01:21

      As the opening chapter of the new series, a common peeling narrative is adopted. But after the setting is stripped, it is somewhat weak. I want to visualize both evil thoughts and hopes, but I miss the loopholes in the plot and the logic is far-fetched. Previously, I had a little expectation for the cooperation between director Brad Bird and screenwriter Damon Lindelof, but unfortunately I didn't feel in the state. I dug a big hole and fell into it myself.

    • Justyn 2021-11-25 08:01:21

      I also feel that this is indeed a big promotional film for a Disney theme park, and even the function of the promotional film is not so good. Perhaps in order to take care of the children's audience, the plot is too simple and foolish, especially at the end, it really ends as soon as the chaos comes. She is the same heroine as the chosen one, and the second villain. The only bright spot is that loli, and the bad expressions of the miscellaneous soldiers

    Tomorrowland quotes

    • Casey Newton: Don't we, like, make our own destiny and stuff?

    • Dave Clark: John Francis Walker. You have been permitted to live based upon your agreed non-intervention. You are now harboring a fugitive element. Release her to our custody or be extinguished. You have one minute to comply.