Patricio Pereda

Patricio Pereda

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Stefanie 2022-10-10 08:14:25

      surrealist night

      A Cult Film classic, The Mole is a long-running Midnight Cinema program. And it is indeed a peculiar midnight nightmare, most of which are sun scenes, exterior scenes, blue sky and white sun, yellow sand and blue blood, under such strong light, all the weirdness has a straight face - good...

    • Reyes 2022-10-21 22:16:47

      A must-see pilgrimage movie for Cult fans!

      Since the 1970s, Weasel has become a must-see pilgrimage movie for Cult fans.

      [Weasel] is not only regarded as the favorite movie by the late Beatles frontman John Lennon,
      but also includes celebrities in the music and film industries such as Bob Dylan, Marilyn Manson, and David Forest. its number...

    El Topo quotes

    • Master #2: I hate all that is mine, because it distances me from her divine presence.

    • The Colonel: Who are you to judge me?

      El Topo: I am God!