Paul Naschy

Paul Naschy

  • Born: 1934-9-6
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Stephon 2022-09-04 10:41:42

      what is a hero

      What qualities does a person have to be a hero? At the beginning, El Cid risked treason to release the Moors, and the other party said: "In my country, we have a name for a warrior with the vision to be just and the courage to show mercy. We call him the cid!"

      El Cid He is a rectal boy who is a bit...

    • Skyla 2022-09-04 23:28:44

      This is the real epic

      I have seen many films, and a considerable number of them have epic qualities, but only this one really depicts the greatness of the hero: wisdom, kindness and bravery. Compared with other films, there is more wisdom and bravery, but lack of kindness and lack of tension in the hero. The scenes and...

    El Cid quotes

    • Moutamin: [after El Cid claims Valencia for the King] What a noble subject, if only he had a noble King.

    • El Cid: [looking at their Christian and Muslim troops camped together] How can anyone say this is wrong?

      Moutamin: But they will. On both sides.