Paxton Whitehead

Paxton Whitehead

  • Born: 1937-10-17
  • Height: 6' 1" (1.85 m)
  • Extended Reading
    • Zander 2022-06-27 19:39:05


      I like Garfield so much, I can bully Odie, but others can't bully

      I like Garfield so much, I can bully Odie, but others can't bully

    • Sandra 2022-06-27 16:11:53

      big bad green eyes

      This bad cat is a real warrior who dares to completely escape the bleak life
      of his quotes. Let's open it up and read
      Garfield: Female pizza courier? ... Marry her soon! ! !
      Money is not everything. There's Mastercard & Visa. Money is not everything
      , and sometimes a credit card is required.


    • Calista 2022-06-27 23:40:54

      Orange-furred Garfield is a cat who grew up in an ordinary neighborhood in the metropolis, with a natural sage-like whims and a seemingly insatiable appetite. Pizza, pork rolls, pasta, cakes and even all kinds of delicious and high-calorie, high-fat foods are favorites, while green vegetables, mice, etc. are despised. For him, having a good meal and then taking a nap, this is the perfect cat life.

    Garfield and Friends quotes

    • Mr. Sprocket: Kids don't want to see a cartoon about a cat.

      Garfield: They're culturally deprived.

    • Jon: Someone's slinging mud!

      Garfield: And it's nowhere near Election Day.