Petra Bryant

Petra Bryant

  • Born:
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  • Extended Reading
    • Alejandrin 2022-01-25 08:07:20

      "Tower Killing": "Sudden Death" is only in an instant

      Slaves, princes and kings, this constituted a basic social system. Slaves work for the prince, but the reward comes from the king. This is a system problem. The slave had to take the blame for the prince, but the king gave the order. This is a management problem. If the slave wants to be the king,...

    • Adelbert 2022-03-17 09:01:03

      I happen to be the 10000th rater! I must have a movie review

      safari is an idiot. I wrote a long film review twice, and they stopped working for me, and I deleted every word of it~~~ It is

      not easy to write a film
      review ~~ The original detailed film review and related introduction explanation, director and actor Movie producers and novels really don't want...

    • Vaughn 2022-04-21 09:01:36

      I prefer a history of violence

    • Tyreek 2022-03-22 09:01:28

      Even more exciting than "The History of Violence", Vigo's nude scenes are too powerful.

    Eastern Promises quotes

    • [last lines]

      Tatiana's Voice: My name is Tatiana. My father died in the mines in my village, so he was already buried when he died. We were all buried there. Buried under the soil of Russia. That is why I left, to find a better life.

    • Anna: How did you get in here?

      Semyon: There are always open doors, Anna Ivanovna.