Phoebe Sparrow

Phoebe Sparrow

  • Born:
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  • Extended Reading
    • Pattie 2022-09-17 15:12:07

      Classic and Modern

      The phrase "what's weekend" is undoubtedly a very good opening, and one sentence pulls modern people into that era.

      It is trying its best to show the old-fashioned dignity and morality, and it is also showing the trendy darkness and hardship as much as possible. It has two sides. Don't forget that...

    • Katelyn 2022-09-17 17:19:20

      Mark Downton Abbey

      I finally watched the entire 6 seasons of Downton Abbey. I like every character in it, but it's very complicated. Maybe I didn't like it at first, but I gradually understood it.

      My favorite is my grandma. Everything is very transparent. I always have a sense of joy when I hate people. Sometimes I...