Raisy Pereyra

Raisy Pereyra

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  • Extended Reading
    • Glenna 2022-03-19 08:01:02

      S03E01 Evaluation

      He used one word to describe Americans every time he went to the United States to study: self-righteous
      This first episode made me stunned, and at the same time
      , he also admitted that his statement was completely correct

      . The bloody plot seems to be enough to prove that the screenwriter is clever...

    • Martina 2022-03-19 08:01:02

      Lonely, sensitive, wise, and a little sense of justice, so people will love this drama

      In Wallace's "debut" scene, the devil asked: What made Ahab obsessed in Moby Dick? Goren answers The dogged, unrelenting pursuit of evil in the back row. That scene is classic. It will almost certainly be included in a paper like The Role of British Accents in American Film and Television.


    • Evelyn 2022-03-24 09:03:51

      I like this one from the LO series the most. It is a traditional criminal investigation drama with detailed reasoning, but the character design is still not as good as my steamed bread. Except for Chubby, everyone else is soy sauce. . It's good to focus on CASE, but after all, there are N seasons, if the group portraits can be more distinct, it will be very advantageous.

    • Alberto 2022-03-25 09:01:23

      Why is there chris north in the poster?

    Law & Order: Criminal Intent quotes

    • Detective Robert Goren: One thing this line of work teaches us is that guys will do anything for love.

    • Detective Alexandra Eames: When tourists take a bite of the Big Apple, the apple isn't supposed to bite back.