Ronald Lee Clark

Ronald Lee Clark

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  • Extended Reading
    • Abelardo 2021-12-15 08:01:05

      Carry the vulgarity to the end

      Born out of "The Chronicles of Narnia", it has stepped on the popular blockbuster in the past two years. "Epic Movies" has taken such a magnificent name, but it does not follow the common sense. The fun is in the same line, and it shows the power of spoofing. Especially when the Lion King...

    • Shanie 2022-03-21 09:02:00

      Bad movie in a spoof movie, haha

      I have watched several spoof films in a row in the past few days, and this one is the worst. Haha, the main spoof of this film is the once-popular Chronicles of Narnia 1 (I was quite excited to watch this film back then), It's almost impossible to laugh watching this spoof movie. Forget it, let's...

    • Nichole 2022-04-21 09:02:16

      Really HIGH can't get up

    • Brittany 2021-12-15 08:01:05

      It’s not fun, the whole story is Narnia~~

    Epic Movie quotes

    • Edward: [in his old age] Chuck Norris rules.

    • Samuel Jackson Look-Alike: I have had it with these goddamn snakes on this goddamn plane!

      Susan: Oh, I know, please help!

      Samuel Jackson Look-Alike: I have had it with these goddamn snakes on this goddamn plane!

      Susan: I know...

      Samuel Jackson Look-Alike: I have had it with these goddamn snakes on this goddamn plane!

      Susan: Why do you keep saying that?

      Samuel Jackson Look-Alike: Because internet bloggers love when I say, "I have had it with these goddamn snakes on this goddamn plane!"

      Susan: Why are you yelling?

      Samuel Jackson Look-Alike: Shut up, bitch! I'm always yelling! I'm Samuel Goddamn Jackson!

      Susan: [Shocked] Bitch?

      ["Samuel Jackson" grabs Susan and throws her from the plane]