Ronjini Chakraborty

Ronjini Chakraborty

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  • Extended Reading
    • Duane 2022-08-29 17:54:09

      The Tragedy of Three Teenage Untouchables

      On May 27, 2014, in the countryside of Uttar Pradesh, India, two girls "untouchables" were raped and killed and hanged from a tree to show the public:

      "Article 15" is adapted from this real event. The evil of the caste system and the darkness of collusion between the police and the bandits...

    • Duane 2022-08-29 20:02:35

      Everyone's "Article 15"

      After watching the movie today, I felt a little emotional. I like movies and literature. I always feel that it is my own business, and sometimes I feel lonely. People around me are busy making money, romantic affairs, values, these words and the things they like behind these words are often too...

    Article 15 quotes

    • Nishad: Sometimes, it feels like there is no hope, but you can't admit it because of all the people who get their strength from you.

      Gaura: But you can tell me though.

      Nishad: Sometimes i think about all the things i wanted to do. I wanted to bring you flowers, but such dreadful things were happening around us every day, that it felt like a sin to even smile at you. Life has been so difficult, that i never managed to find five minutes to sit quietly with you, with our feet dipped in the river. I have never looked at the moon for even five minutes. I don't even have five minutes of peace in my life.

    • Ayan Ranjan: Staying neutral when a fire is raging, is standing with the ones who lit it.