Russell G. Jones

Russell G. Jones

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    • Alba 2022-01-26 08:46:04

      Talk about the two prosecutors, and some other crap

      I haven't seen the back of the three EADAs in the main drama, so I don't know much about Cutter. Speaking of the first two, my personal opinion is that both Stone and McCoy are very good, and McCoy is not inferior to Stone in terms of work ability and fullness of characters. From my own...

    • Mae 2022-01-26 08:46:04

      Law & Order S1E12 Abortion

      Law & Order S1E12 Life Choice

      The clinic bombing carried out by anti-abortion extremists, which aired in 1991, did not have a prototype at the time, but it just foreshadowed the violent process of the anti-abortion movement after the 1990s.

      ◇ Since 1973, abortion has been conditionally legalized in...

    • Kiley 2022-03-26 09:01:13

      A TV series like textbooks, if the White House can give us a taste of how the government, one of the three powers in the United States, works, then Law and Order will give us a taste of how the American justice works, despite legal affairs such as the true character of the lawyer and the Boston law. The drama has also achieved this, but it is not as pure as this one, excluding almost all descriptions of personal life, just justice. . .

    • Laverna 2022-03-26 09:01:13

      The court debate is the most exciting part. Stone's arrogant tone is so handsome, and the occasional humanistic concern is very touching.

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    Law & Order quotes

    • Adam Schiff: You do what you have to do, you're still welcome to my scotch.

    • Det. Lennie Briscoe: I want to go to law school so I can learn how to turn gold into lead.