Seth Herzog

Seth Herzog

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Jovanny 2022-01-10 08:01:11

      Choice? Love or life

      Is love the lace that embellishes life, or is life a long way to wait for love?
          The unpredictability of love often surprises people as well as pain. Is it obsession or impulse to throw away all other factors just because of the encounter?
          David is active. The youthful vigor and...

    • Emilio 2022-03-20 09:02:17

      Why is this ending?

      When I first watched it, I thought it was a story about a mature woman. She told about her previous life, about his lovelorn, and seeing a psychiatrist until she fell in love with the male lead. At the end, I found out that the director wanted to tell a story about a man. And at the end It seems...

    • Carson 2022-04-23 07:03:31

      I saw it a few years ago, forgot to add it. Remember that the plot is okay, but I still don't like Aunt Mei. . .

    • Vanessa 2022-03-28 09:01:07

      We love, we learn, and we move on, and that's okay.

    Prime quotes

    • David Bloomberg: [putting his hand forward to the doorman of Rafi's building] Five? Thumbs up? Smile? No? Ah, we'll get there.

    • Rafi Gardet: [lying in bed, making love] Are you sure about this?

      David Bloomberg: Yeah, I'm sure.

      Rafi Gardet: Why now?

      David Bloomberg: Because you want this more than anything in the world, and I want to give it to you. I want to make a baby with you.

      Rafi Gardet: I can't.

      David Bloomberg: Why?

      Rafi Gardet: Because I love you and I can't do this to you.

      David Bloomberg: I don't understand, what are you doing, I mean, it actually feels right.

      Rafi Gardet: I just can't.

      David Bloomberg: I want to give this to you.

      Rafi Gardet: I know you do. And it's the sweetest gift anyone has every given me. But it's not right for you. You'll regret it. You know this. The fact that you are still willing just shows how deep your love goes. That's the gift I'm taking from you.