Shameer Birges

Shameer Birges

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    • Alexys 2022-03-26 09:01:11

      Don't watch it as a so-called brain-burning suspense movie

      First of all, this is an eye-catching film. The appearance of the male and female protagonists is comparable to that of dragons and phoenixes. The framing is beautiful, the shooting is very textured, and the flat 3D display is very novel, and the rhythm is well grasped. The downside is that the...

    • Consuelo 2022-01-15 08:01:31


      This movie opened the door to a new world for me. Recently I was reading wave theory. The author Elliott believes that waves are constantly circulating and appearing alternately. Everything is in a cycle at all times, and the male protagonist always sees some similarities. He was good at...

    • Lorna 2022-03-15 09:01:06

      There are suspense, horror, murder, science fiction, disaster, surrealism, rebirth, death and birth of stars, good background music, artists, beautiful pilots, handsome guys, and unexplainable plots, so much The element is to build a simple and extremely simple love triangle.

    • Astrid 2022-03-16 09:01:06

      It’s a bit of a mystery that Teresa Palmer has the same beauty as always, and in the end it was shot in the back and bleeding in the front, and the back was intact...

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    2:22 quotes

    • Dylan: in everyone's life there comes a time when the universe open itself for just a few moments to show us what's truly possible

    • Dylan Branson: [opening narration] My dad told me that people have always looked to the patterns of the stars to predict what was going to happen in their lives, and if you could understand those patterns then you'd be able to know what was going to happen before anyone else did. Last time we saw each other, he told me that each star's light has taken decades to reach us, and how it always burns brightest right before it dies. So now whenever a distant star lights up, I always feel like somewhere, somehow, someone's life is about to end.