Shawn Dempewolff-Barrett

Shawn Dempewolff-Barrett

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  • Extended Reading
    • Kevin 2022-10-10 05:06:54

      contradictory culture

      Last night, 80% of the people at the class reunion went to France to study or work. Now they are either directly or indirectly working for the French in Beijing, or they will soon embark on the journey of studying in France again, so it is easy for everyone to It's still interesting to talk about...

    • Romaine 2022-10-13 06:09:16

      walking on the brink of death

      I like the feeling of walking on the brink of death. I will be afraid, but my heart is always driven by an unstoppable desire. I must step on the tightrope and conquer!

      There is a bad boy urge in Philip's heart, always wanting to break something. However, once he steps on the tightrope, he becomes...

    Man on Wire quotes

    • Sgt Charles Daniels: ...I observed the tight rope dancer... because you couldn't call him a walker... approximately half-way between the two towers. I personally figured I was watching something that somebody else would never see again in the world. Thought it was once in a lifetime.

    • Philippe Petit: As a child, I loved to climb everywhere. I'll let the psychiatrists decide why. Maybe I wanted to escape my time. Maybe I wanted to see the world from a different perspective and I was an explorer at heart. Who knows and who cares? But I was a little climber. And nobody, not my parents, not the teachers, nobody could stop me.