Teresa Meza

Teresa Meza

  • Born:
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  • Extended Reading
    • Noelia 2022-07-25 21:09:39

      He gets what he wants

      The success of The Sopranos is its courage to face reality.

      The vast majority of members of society regulate their behavior in accordance with certain conventions and ethics.

      But they are weak. In the face of greater power, under moral pressure, and under the watchful eye of other decent...

    • Lelia 2022-08-20 09:56:32

      Looking back at The Sopranos

      I recently started to watch The Sopranos (The Sopranos) on Youku intermittently, and I finished watching all 8 episodes (starting in Shanghai, it’s almost a year). The reason why I watched The Sopranos after so long is because the American media praised it too much. I’m a person with a...

    The Sopranos quotes

    • Dr. Jennifer Melfi: I feel for you males. It's our goddamn fault you don't know how to act.

      Randall Curtin: Oh! Admitting mistakes?

      Dr. Jennifer Melfi: We tell you to be more sensitive, you join Promise Keepers. We say get in touch with your feelings, you run off into the woods in a loincloth gunking yourself with bear fat beating a drum.

      Randall Curtin: Hey, don't ruin my evening.

      Dr. Jennifer Melfi: You know what I mean.

      Randall Curtin: Sure. You want someone who's sensitive to your needs, but still decisive enough for the occasional grope in the closet.

    • Corrado Erico 'Uncle Junior' Soprano: We go way back to when Moses wore short pants.