Thomas Blumenthal

Thomas Blumenthal

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Profession: actor
  • Thomas Blumenthal is an actor, his main works include " Au Pair ", " The Chorus " and so on.
    Extended Reading
    • Kirstin 2022-04-21 09:02:41

      What does "The Choir Boys" sing about?

      The overall feeling of the film to me is somewhat similar to that of Dead Poets Society. It is nothing more than that the teacher is helping children find their goals in life. The difference is that the children in this film still have a lively nature that is unique to children and has not yet been...

    • Mina 2022-01-04 08:01:24

      Watching "The Cow Herding Class" for the third time, I feel that Meng Dan is not the bad boy we thought

      This is the third time after watching "The Spring of the Cow Herding Class". In fact, this time, it was not Matthew or Mo Hanqi that gave me the deepest feeling, but Meng Dan.
      For a long time, I have been surprised by the significance of the existence of the child Mengdan. When I watched it for the...

    The Chorus quotes

    • Violette Morhange: Do you have children?

      Clément Mathieu: No. Well, yes, I have 60.

    • Clément Mathieu: [they've found the stolen money and a harmonica] You know Mondain was expelled because they thought he'd stolen the money.

      Corbin: No, sir.

      Clément Mathieu: No, that's right you didn't. But now I've told you. So what were you going to do with this money?

      Corbin: If I tell you, do you promise not to tell anyone?

      Clément Mathieu: Promise.

      Corbin: I was going to use it to buy...

      Clément Mathieu: To buy what?

      Corbin: My Montgolfier balloon.