Tova Stewart

Tova Stewart

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  • Extended Reading
    • Zelda 2021-12-18 08:01:08

      Second Eye Viewing: Marriage and Trust

           I originally wanted to write after worshipping director Jeff’s last movie "Once Upon a Shotgun", but I couldn’t find the resources. But what cannot be denied is the aura brought to Jeff by the success of "Once Upon A Time". With more funds, Michael Shannon’s participation, and even on...

    • Michele 2021-12-18 08:01:08

      Is it a mental illness or a disaster movie?

      I don’t know if the movie says he is ill or does he have supernatural powers? Looking at the impact of Curtis' nightmares on his life, the only thing that hasn't changed is his family, because love is the strongest. Friends left him because of suspicion, mistrust, and misunderstanding. The...

    • Danny 2022-03-27 09:01:09

      The Academy may consider expanding the nominations for Best Actor/Actress. Romance without "depression" may not necessarily lose its depth.

    • Mackenzie 2021-12-18 08:01:08

      In my opinion, the simple take shelter is much better than the melancholia with a noble and elegant narcissistic posture. After reading this, I have to change my depression to two stars. I think this film and the Shining are in common to some extent, so just treat it as a warm version of the Shining at the end of the 21st century.

    Take Shelter quotes

    • Curtis: [ranting angrily at a roomful of neighbors] Sleep well in your beds. 'Cause if this thing comes true, there ain't gonna be any more.

    • Curtis: [talking about Hanna, their deaf daughter] I still take off my boots not to wake her.

      Samantha: [whispering] I still whisper.