Tracy Redington

Tracy Redington

  • Born: 1978-4-3
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Jaida 2022-03-20 09:01:03

      Romantic comedy universe

      1. I think this is a romantic movie. There are some romantic movies. God knows how long I wait for the last kiss. Such a naive character is very attractive, especially when she doesn't pay attention to sexiness.

      It’s not as difficult to understand as directors’ other movies. It’s a relatively...

    • Edison 2022-03-17 09:01:01

      Dazzling stunts plus a little surprise

      This film has become a classic, although I think it is a little bit behind the classics, and the biggest drawback is that Mira does not have the desperate beauty described in the film, which makes the following story less justifiable. Phew, am I being too harsh on her, but she has become quite...

    • Nico 2022-03-22 09:01:03

      Diva’s singing penetrated a layer in the center of my brain, scratching it. In fact, I think Leeloo is very loli, he feels really good to be cared for by Uncle W. Although Big Bear was beside me at the time. But it's gone now. Finally I think the music inside is superb

    • Arely 2022-03-25 09:01:03

      I was full of joy thinking that Luc Besson would use five elements to explain the world. In the end, this suspenseful worldview was completely reduced to the four stones of the Justice League and the criminal organization + the vulgar plot of an active alien woman. Up. . . This can be regarded as an early work that all pooped to "love". . .

    The Fifth Element quotes

    • General Munro: [after telling Korben about the mission] Any questions?

      Korben Dallas: Yeah. Just one. Why me? I retired six months ago. You remember?

      General Munro: Three reasons. One - as a member of the elite special forces unit of the Federated Army, you are expert in the use of all major weapons & space craft needed for this mission. Two - of all the members of your unit, you were the most highly decorated.

      Korben Dallas: ...and the third one?

      General Munro: Of all the members of your unit, you're the only one left alive.

    • Zorg: I don't like warriors. Too narrow-minded, no subtlety. And worse, they fight for hopeless causes. Honor? Huh! Honor's killed millions of people, it hasn't saved a single one.