Tristen Kim

Tristen Kim

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Profession: actor
  • Representative Works: "Strange Angels" "High Talents"
  • Tristen Kim, actor, participated in the TV series " Strange Angels " in 2018 and in the movie "High Talents " in 2019.
    Extended Reading
    • Mireya 2021-12-17 08:01:15

      Are you kidding me?

      Are all the movies lying to me or is this the way American high schools are? Sexual alcohol and drugs are basically standard, and the swearing is so high that the film will be rated R directly. The key is that these young people who don’t do their jobs properly and don’t know the sufferings of the...

    • Loyce 2022-03-21 09:02:03

      Those bright classmates on campus

      Young is really too fault-tolerant. You can be gay/straight/bisexual. You can study hard / indulge in fun / pursue freedom. You can like someone, hate someone, denigrate someone, leave someone, hug someone, give up someone. And there will be no consequences for you to bear. Don't be like the...

    • Jayme 2021-12-17 08:01:15

      Through this video, I got to know the beautiful woman Diana Silvers. Thank you very much.

    • Jefferey 2022-03-28 09:01:04

      It is hard not to be scolded for touching campus themes in this era. Old wine in a new bottle or not, Booksmart has managed to make the subject matter of the bad street so cool: the sexual awakening of nerds, the friendship of women, the adventures of loser, the utopia of sexual minorities. . . It has the skin of "Freaks and Nerds" + the jokes of "Bridesmaids" + the spirit of "Dragon Girl". The female characters are all very attractive. Of course, if you think about it carefully, the screenwriter deliberately omitted the exaggeration of the protagonist's family conditions, and did not mention the differences in social class, because this was originally a heartless comedy. High school students still have the opportunity to achieve class mobility. After the age of 30, these two sisters still have the rest of their lives to worry about, don't they?

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    Booksmart quotes

    • Principal Brown: There's nothing more exciting and daunting than the blank page. Oh, that's good. Maybe I'll do a book of quotes.

      [He starts recording on his phone]

      Principal Brown: There's nothing more exciting or daunting than the blank page.

    • Molly: Amy, do you know how many girls are gonna be up your vagina next year? Every time I come visit you, you're gonna be scissoring a different girl.

      Amy: Dude, scissoring is not a thing.

      Molly: Don't knock it until you've tried it.

      Amy: It's not a thing.

      Molly: Don't knock it until you've tried it.

      Amy: I'm not knocking it, I'm just saying it isn't a thing.

      Molly: How about you don't knock it until you've tried it?