Valeria Cotto

Valeria Cotto

  • Born: 2010-9-30
  • Height: 4' 3" (1.3 m)
  • Extended Reading
    • Jamil 2022-03-27 09:01:09

      Florida Paradise

      The chaotic bottom life, the chaotic childhood, after watching this film, I can't help but sigh that there is no nationality in the world and the difference between nationalities is only the difference between the rich and the poor. An indictment of American society The film hopes to create a...

    • Mavis 2021-12-21 08:01:07

      The motel’s view of Disney is like the poor’s imitation of the rich’s life

      Let me talk about some of the foreshadowings of the movie. The young couple who took their girlfriends on vacation accidentally broke into the motel, gave Jancey birthday, Halley took them to an open place to watch the fireworks, and the children were eager to tip travelers, like a pedophile. An...

    • Dan 2021-12-21 08:01:07

      This is definitely the level of prize winning in the main competition! How come I haven't given a prize to the biweekly! ! ! ! ! Representing the latest state of the development of realist movies, the Tibetan narrative is truly inseparable. I think of the sentence in "City of Sadness", "Children don’t know cruelty, they just think it’s fun." Motel realism, structural poverty and life at the bottom, class analysis; life flow and sense of humor. It seems that the top ten of the year can be issued again.

    • Vincenzo 2022-03-25 09:01:10

      I feel that this year my personal best can choose five or six films. In the world of children, the words and deeds of adults are always fragments, complicated and incomprehensible.

    The Florida Project quotes

    • Jancey: Moonee, why'd you take me on this adventure?

      Moonee: I didn't know it was going to rain!

      Jancey: Did you not even watch the news?

      Moonee: I never watch the news, it's so boring!

      Jancey: I watch the news, it's not that boring!

    • Moonee: I'm going to eat a strawberry and a raspberry at the same time.

      [eats a strawberry and a raspberry at the same time]

      Moonee: Man oh man, that's gross!