Vera Van Dooren

Vera Van Dooren

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    • Brandon 2022-04-01 09:01:19

      You can run, but you can't hide.

      I don't think it's too brain-burning, but several people acted well. Hopkins is still a male god, but the drama is a little less, and when you see that he is the silent lamb, you feel that the robber is going to end~ The
      robber They came up with awe-inspiring righteousness, wit, bravery and...

    • Janiya 2022-04-01 09:01:19

      They were dubbed the "Dutch version of the godfather" because of a kidnapping case.

      There have been many movies about kidnapping in Hong Kong, such as "Serial Bureau", "The Witness", etc., as well as "Rescue Mr. Wu", which has performed well recently. Most of these stories are based on real events, and they often attract attention. It's not the movie itself, but the events behind...

    • Edgardo 2022-04-03 09:01:12

      Except for the great ransom, I didn't see where it was more powerful, and the ending was even less powerful.

    • Berenice 2022-04-01 08:01:02

      Who kidnapped Heineken is Budweiser! The teasing of the bar guy did not spoil the tense rhythm at all. The dynamic and intense electronic music makes people's blood flow, and the depressed and cramped psychological suspense is suffocating. The human heart has never given up the game of resistance against good and evil, and only makes a big gamble with freedom to discover that human nature is so ugly. When a loved one has to be supervised even to buy bread, he suddenly realizes how precious the bargaining chip—freedom—is.

    Kidnapping Mr. Heineken quotes

    • Freddy Heineken: There are two ways a man can be rich in this world, he can have a lot of money, or he can have a lot of friends. But he cannot have both.