Yi Liu

Yi Liu

  • Born:
  • Height: 5' 7" (1.7 m)
  • Extended Reading
    • Alexane 2022-03-14 14:12:31

      It's good to see the Japanese devils tear up the Red Guards, but you tell me that it's all an illusion... In addition to the big gear in the title, it's also an industrial ghost. Really, the stories are utterly boring, the feelings are faked, and the comedy is blunt. The most boring thing is to step on Lu Chuan and brag about it. Is it interesting? It's better to punch yourself in the face a few more times.

    Mojin: The Lost Legend quotes

    • Hu Bayi: No matter how dangerous, I'm going to get you out.

    • Shirley Yang: You know that seeing is not believing. What you believe to be true is not determined by your eyes but your brain.