A Few Good Men Comments

  • Antonia 2022-04-24 07:01:03

    fine. The young Tomboy did a good job. However, some of the lines are inappropriate, just to highlight the handsomeness of Tom, without expressing his feelings. For example, Tom's big wave "What do you want for...

  • Zachery 2022-04-24 07:01:03

    I just saw it on TV, I didn't see the beginning and end, but Tom is so...

  • Sonya 2022-04-24 07:01:03

    Years later, I revisited it again. The places that should be moved will still be moved, and the exciting parts will still be excited. A good theme chicken soup slice is like this. Nicholson is really strong, and the tender Tom is also really...

  • Donato 2022-04-24 07:01:03

    A wonderful video of court debates, which made me feel ashamed of the judicial system and justice in my court. But in the end, the plot reversed too quickly. The commander of the US Army was irritated by a few words and lost his mind, leading to lifelong remorse, a bloody case caused by one sentence! I hate female lawyers very much, her voice is so...

  • Pearlie 2022-04-24 07:01:03

    "The only important question now is, not what will others do, but what will you...

  • Carrie 2022-04-24 07:01:03

    Alan Sorkin's early screenwriting masterpiece fully embodies his dialectically refined style in dealing with complex events and characters. The film shows Americans' reverence for military personnel and national honor, but also dares to challenge the powerful and respect facts and individual lives. The developmental clues of the male protagonist, as well as several tense court debate scenes, are also excellently written, almost a model for the mainstream narrative in...

  • Gaetano 2022-04-24 07:01:03

    9 points. A great trial process, can those in power be arrogant and hold the power to cast spells? The army defending the homeland and defending the country should naturally be respected, but the dark and criminal behaviors of some of the army are also unknown to us. Both Cruise and Demi Moore performed quite well. In addition to their stunning appearance, they also performed vividly in a large number of lines. Nicholson's acting skills were even more...

  • Roscoe 2022-04-23 07:01:27

    The subject of legal affairs is not to my taste, but young Tom and young Demi are...

  • Lola 2022-04-23 07:01:27

    A very exciting courtroom drama, a very ingenious story, a very gorgeous lineup... Although the success or failure of the final court debate depends entirely on whether the commander who testified in court was out of control, it seems too accidental, but it can also be said to be cross-examination. The strategy has succeeded. Tang Shuai was really good when he was young, he was really handsome in uniform! I have this feeling every time I watch his old movies, but the beauty is always immature,...

  • Dario 2022-04-23 07:01:27

    The standard story, the beautiful characters arc, especially the handsome guys and beauties did not fall into the stereotype of emotional dramas, plus...

Extended Reading
  • Hollie 2022-01-26 08:05:03

    The prosperous beauty of Demi Moore and Pretty Soup

    Hong Kong's translation of the meaning of the sea

    The prosperous beauty of Demi Moore and Pretty Soup

  • Jaiden 2022-01-26 08:05:03

    No one can stay young forever

    "Righteous Sea Heroes", also translated as "Few Good People", although it is an old film in 1992, it is indeed a good film that won multiple Oscar nominations and the fifth box office in the United States that year. The most touching thing is that the superstars in the film who are shining today,...

A Few Good Men quotes

  • Galloway: [referring to Markinson, while holding a phone] Where is he?

    Kaffee: [in his apartment] Downtown Lodge on North East.

    Galloway: I want him guarded.

    Kaffee: That's probably a good idea. Anyway he also says that...

    Galloway: [over the phone] My clearance code is 411527273. Thank you.

    Kaffee: Clearance code? I don't have a clearance code. Do you have a clearance code?

    Lt. Weinberg: Danny!

    Kaffee: Anyway, he also says that Jessup's lying about the transportation off the base. Jessup said the 6 was the first flight out Santiago couuld have left on. Markinson says there was a plane that left seven hours earlier.

    [to Galloway]

    Kaffee: That was impressive. Did you get what I said about the flight?

    Galloway: Yes. Sam, when a flight takes off there's got to be some kind of record kept, right?

    Lt. Weinberg: Yeah, you need the tower chief's log from Gitmo.

    Kaffee: Get it.

    Galloway: We're gonna win.

    Kaffee: Jo, let's not go crazy about this. We don't know who Markinson is we don't know what the log book's going to say. You just concentrate on Downey. I'm going to talk to Ross and tell him where we are.

  • Kaffee: [Kaffee has just asked why Santiago hadn't packed despite being due to be transferred in a few hours after the time of his death. Jessup smirks] Is this funny, sir?

    Col. Jessup: No, it isn't. It's tragic.

    Kaffee: Do you have an answer to the question, Colonel?

    Col. Jessup: Absolutely. My answer is I don't have the first damn clue. Maybe he was an early riser and liked to pack in the morning. And maybe he didn't have any friends. I'm an educated man, but I'm afraid I can't speak intelligently about the travel habits of William Santiago. What I do know is that he was set to leave the base at 0600. Now, are these really the questions I was called here to answer? Phone calls and foot lockers? Please tell me that you have something more, Lieutenant. These two Marines are on trial for their lives. Please tell me their lawyer hasn't pinned their hopes to a phone bill.

    [Kaffee hesitates, dumbfounded]

    Col. Jessup: Do you have any more questions for me, Counselor?

    Judge Randolph: Lt. Kaffee?


    Judge Randolph: Lieutenant, do you have anything further for this witness?

    Col. Jessup: [standing to leave] Thanks, Danny. I love Washington.

    Kaffee: Excuse me. I didn't dismiss you.

    Col. Jessup: I beg your pardon?

    Kaffee: I'm not through with my examination. Sit down.

    Col. Jessup: Colonel!

    Kaffee: What's that?

    Col. Jessup: I would appreciate it if you would address me as "Colonel" or "Sir." I believe I've earned it.

    Judge Randolph: Defense counsel will address the witness as "Colonel" or "Sir."

    Col. Jessup: I don't know what the hell kind of unit you're running here.

    Judge Randolph: And the witness will address this court as "Judge" or "Your Honor." I'm quite certain I've earned it. Take your seat, Colonel.