A.I. Artificial Intelligence Comments

  • Kyle 2023-09-14 21:46:36

    How should I put it...it's a bit embarrassing...Looking at the future world and technology understood 20 years ago from 20 years later...Sci-fi is not sci-fi, magic is not magical... From the perspective of technological progress, it's a bit thought that the changes in the past 20 years are so fast. Laugh at the naivety of people 20 years ago, look at the artificial intelligence today and see the artificial intelligence in their imagination, but from another angle, it is really technological...

  • Dahlia 2023-08-10 12:01:12

    Judging whether a sci-fi film is good or not, there are probably several dimensions, the futuristic sense of the picture, the prophetic nature of the content, and the insight of human nature. Obviously, Spielberg's AI has performed very well in all aspects. Even if you look at the screen performance of 19 years ago in 2020, most scenes still have a very good sense of the future, not outdated, and no inferior sci-fi films. plastic feel. In terms of prophecy, AI has become a very popular and...

  • Jane 2023-08-05 02:01:20

    But it's so good. I recently got into a sci-fi movie~ ps: I like joe so much!!!! Jude Law is so tender, haha, I want a lover like this. pss: I was finally made to cry again and I haven't been in a movie for a long time....

  • Domenico 2023-07-21 00:34:58

    As a sci-fi movie, the ideas and designs in it are excellent; the fly in the ointment is too sensational; maybe the theme of Kubridge will be deeper. If it is really possible, setting a person to love himself for a lifetime is probably the happiest thing in the...

  • Raquel 2023-05-25 11:35:07

    Several times I thought it was going to end but it didn't. What attracted me the most in the whole drama was the moment when the blue fairy was broken. The time span of two thousand years seems to be mocking the shortness and limitation of people. I realize that human finitude can prevent one from accepting eternity. I saw some people in the film critics think that David's love is perverted. The mother in the film is also shown to be afraid of david. Yet david is the carrier of eternal love....

  • Dell 2023-04-06 16:17:48

    I don't like the others except the little bear. hate this...

  • Anabel 2023-04-05 03:57:24

    [Liu Xiaodai 2010-06-09 This is a work Kubrick always wanted to shoot during his lifetime, but due to the limited technical conditions at the time, it was not shot after all. Spielberg inherited his last wish and completed it so delicately, but it is a pity that the ending, which is incompatible with the film, still compromises with business. 】Once it is turned on, it cannot be returned and can only be...

  • Julie 2023-03-11 22:19:34

    The super short story "Super Toys for a Whole Summer" was modified. When I was young, it was very special to read it. It even included the material for the third-year Chinese language optional script, but now it seems that the content of the attached novel is actually a bit too...

  • Tessie 2023-02-15 09:14:28

    It's a good movie, but a similar ethical discussion has been done in many science fiction novels. This movie doesn't reinforce the philosophical meaning of life much, it's more like a tear-jerking fairy tale, and even some elements of it seem to be Tim Burton's...

  • Quinn 2023-01-20 11:12:20

    Maybe because he grew up or maybe he is not in the state today, it is difficult to feel the psychological state of the little boy. But there's no denying it's a very touching film. It's a pity that this movie was made ten years ago after all, and some of the pictures, feelings and appreciation levels and angles have changed a bit. No matter how hard the director tries to depict delicate feelings, there are certain limitations. So unfortunately I can't give it five stars. Can see...

Extended Reading
  • Troy 2022-04-23 07:01:18

    love needs reciprocity

    When the film came out in 2001, I was still a high school student and didn't know what a mother's love was. Until now in 2018, when I had a child, I watched this film for the first time, and I cried during the whole process.

    In fact, at the beginning of the film, when Professor Hubby was discussing...

  • Percival 2022-03-21 09:01:17

    Chasing love is an unfair procedure

    I didn't cry, I didn't feel moved, just marveled. I said to my mother time and time again, oh my god, it's so beautiful. Of course, in the last 40 minutes my lines became, no, no, no~ yes~ right~

    Okay, let’s talk about it from the front.

    From the time the R&D head said did God ask Adam to love him,...

A.I. Artificial Intelligence quotes

  • [David struggles to hold onto Teddy's hand from the moon blimp]

    Teddy: I'll break, David.

    [as David loses his grip and drops Teddy]

  • [David is seen, remaining in the ocean praying to the Blue Fairy]

    Narrator: [Narrating] And David continued to pray to the Blue Fairy there before him - She who smiled softly forever, she who welcomed forever. Eventually, the floodlights dimmed and died, but David could still see her palely by day... and he still addressed her in hope. He prayed until all the sea anemones had shriveled and died. He prayed as the ocean froze... and the ice encased the caged amphibicopter and the Blue Fairy too, locking them together where he could still make her out. A blue ghost in ice... always there, always smiling, always awaiting him. Eventually, he never moved at all, but his eyes always stayed open... staring ahead forever all though the darkness of each night... and the next day... and the next day. Thus, 2,000 years passed by.