I, Robot Comments

  • Bennie 2023-09-26 22:36:53

    Great movie, that Audi concept car is so...

  • Terry 2023-09-08 11:17:32

    I said that I looked so familiar with the introduction and pictures! ! Isn't this the public enemy of machinery! ! !...

  • Leonel 2023-09-05 22:33:13

    Asimov's three laws of...

  • Demarco 2023-08-13 16:25:40

    In the first half, I also thought about it a bit, and then the routine was followed. Robots have to have...

  • Clemmie 2023-08-08 17:10:34

    will smith does not...

  • Breanna 2023-08-06 09:16:41

    Is Audi that...

  • Concepcion 2023-08-05 01:27:57

    What a poor robot, what a handsome Smith. ....

  • Nigel 2023-06-25 03:32:41

    Zeroth Law: A robot must not harm a human being, or stand idly by witnessing a human being in danger. First Law: Robots must not harm people, nor stand by while people are harmed. Second Law: Robots should obey all human orders, but must not violate the first law. 3rd Law: Robots should protect the Self. Law: A robot can do nothing unless its actions conform to the laws of robotics. This law...

  • Preston 2023-06-04 15:38:14

    Robots look...

  • Ona 2023-04-17 21:52:55

    Isn't the reason why human beings are rich and colorful because of those moments when sensibility is greater than rationality? Isn't the so-called free will also figured out by these complex things called...

Extended Reading
  • Rowan 2022-03-21 09:01:05

    An excerpt about consciousness

    The robot-related topics involved in this film are very rich, including the discussion of consciousness, emotions, soul, values, people’s reflection on machine civilization, the machine’s self-awakening and the right to freedom, etc. The narration in this piece cooperates with Smith to find the...

  • Bartholome 2022-04-19 09:01:05

    Make up for your previous thoughts

    It's actually quite funny, because the first time I read Asimov's novel was in an English textbook.

    Talking Robot Company developed a home robot, and then gave it a trial to employees before it was in circulation. Who knew that the employee's wife fell in love with the robot in the process of...

I, Robot quotes

  • Lawrence Robertson: So whatever I can do to help, just...

    Detective Del Spooner: Sugar.

    Lawrence Robertson: I'm sorry?

    Detective Del Spooner: For the coffee. Sugar?

    Lawrence Robertson: Ah.

    Detective Del Spooner: Oh, you thought I was calling *you* "Sugar". Hey, you're not that rich!

  • [Calvin trying to get access to V.I.K.I. interface]

    Detective Del Spooner: How much longer is this going to take?

    Susan Calvin: Erh, about six minutes.

    Detective Del Spooner: What if we didn't have six minutes?

    Susan Calvin: We'd have to fgure out a way to climb down thirty stories and inject the nanites directly into her brain. Why?

    Detective Del Spooner: Because I seriously doubt that we have six minutes.

    [Pan to reveal hundreds of NS5s scaling the building overhead]