Roman J. Israel, Esq. Comments

  • Cristian 2023-06-10 04:05:03

    Sometimes you can't see the world, sometimes the world can't see...

  • May 2022-12-24 17:26:06

    You only remembered to turn yourself in after being caught with a braid? The collapse of an...

  • Vinnie 2022-10-02 23:45:04

    Everyone has ideals, big or small. From this point of view, everyone is an idealist. The difference is how much is left in the process of survival. The film portrays a black lawyer who is paranoid about his ideals, but when he decides to compromise with his survival and approach life, he never thought that he would lose himself. The most touching part of the film is that the core characters are small and ordinary, but at the end they elevate the soul-stirring style of a great...

  • Christine 2022-04-24 07:01:17

    The first two thirds are actually pretty good, and the last third is too dramatic for granted and not very creative. Of course, it is also a reappearance of the director's previous film, which is a little more preachy in comparison, without the power to devour people. His exploration of moral issues could have been more...

  • Damion 2022-04-24 07:01:17

    I don't understand what this 2-hour movie is trying to express, is the change of the little people, and finally swallowed by society and material?...

  • Shyann 2022-04-24 07:01:17

    It is unbelievable that the director and screenwriter of Nightcrawler actually wrote and directed such a film with only actors...

  • Conner 2022-04-24 07:01:17

    It's okay to make Denzel look abominable. The whole movie is extremely awkward and B-like, and the characters and plot are extremely unreasonable. It's all a...

  • Laney 2022-04-24 07:01:17

    7/10. The fall of a cynical idealistic lawyer. Denzel Washington in a fatter...

  • Roselyn 2022-04-24 07:01:17

    Three and a half. The tragedy of a very old-fashioned idealist, even a few turns are routine dramatic turns. Half a star is added because the world still needs people like Roman. After all, society is created, not tolerated. 囧林 is so handsome that watching him run away, even though anyone can play his...

  • Zita 2022-04-24 07:01:17

    Acting fills the persuasiveness of the...

Extended Reading
  • Aurelia 2022-03-21 09:02:45

    mantis arm

  • Johnnie 2022-01-10 08:02:14

    I took myself to court

    The profession of lawyer who has never caught a cold, Judgement, what a cold-blooded term! But in this film, we saw this lawyer who insists on his ideals. The first half of the film made me passionate. It is always difficult to pursue. He runs into a wall everywhere but he is independent. The hero...

Roman J. Israel, Esq. quotes

  • Jeff: What a freak

    Maya Alston: You stand on his shoulders

  • George Pierce: Roman, Roman! Jesus, I heard about what you did in the kitchen. Salinas is our number two. And not only that, while you were schooling Sanchez in a crowded elevator...

    Roman J. Israel, Esq.: Hey, the man doesn't understand character evidence.

    George Pierce: You'll find a quiet corner. I sent you an e-mail today to come to my office.

    Roman J. Israel, Esq.: I'm sorry, when people send e-mail, they seem to think it goes straight to your brain.

    George Pierce: You better take what I'm saying seriously, because I'm being very sincere with you.

    Roman J. Israel, Esq.: I think you knew what you were getting when you brought me in, George.

    George Pierce: I thought you were functional.

    Roman J. Israel, Esq.: I think you brought me in to put your feet to the fire 'cause you're tired of treating low-income clients like dollar signs, and maybe because you remember what it feels like to actually care. That's what I think, George.

    George Pierce: Hell no, I hired you to make a buck. Which is why I thought you took the job.

    Roman J. Israel, Esq.: I need money." -chuckles drily- "Badly. Of course. But what I really need, George, is an ally. I've been waiting to meet someone of your high caliber, and yes, I am selective. So what I'm offering to you, right out here, now, is the chance to partner with me. On a piece of groundbreaking litigation I've been working on for over seven years now. Inside this case, is arguably the most important legal brief in modern legal history. A sweeping federal challenge that could yield nothing less than a grand new era of social reform, and I say that with all due confidence. The constitution guarantees us the right to a fair trial, but there can't be any fairness is ninety-five percent of all cases never get heard. Criminal cases never get heard by a jury or a judge. I am building a wholly original class action lawsuit with over thirty-five hundred names, all former clients, aimed at the heart of-of-of plea bargain reform. I'm talking about reforming the system where prosecutors are trying to pull sentences out of their hat, where actual guilt or innocence is being completely replaced by fear of having your day in court. Where people are being forced... George, to plead guilty, under the threat of overly harsh, and coercive sentences. It's a job for a legend, or someone who wants to be one.