A Blonde in Love

A Blonde in Love

  • Director: Milos Forman
  • Writer: Milos Forman,Jaroslav Papousek,Ivan Passer
  • Countries of origin: Czechoslovakia
  • Language: Czech
  • Release date: October 26, 1966
  • Runtime: 1 hour 28 minutes
  • Sound mix: Mono
  • Aspect ratio: 1.37 : 1
  • Also known as: Loves of a Blonde
  • "Lásky jedné plavovlásky" is a romantic drama written and directed by Lasky jedne plavovlasky, starring Vladimír Pucholt , Hana Brejchová and Tána Zelinková .
    This film mainly tells the story of a naive and romantic female shoe factory worker who likes to fantasize about things, and is very tired of the boring life, so she takes a pianist as her emotional sustenance target. Everyone was taken aback when she unexpectedly visited the man's parents. He felt trapped, she felt cheated, and his parents didn't know how to deal with it.

    Top cast


    • Release date October 26, 1966
    • Filming locations Zruc nad Sázavou, Czech Republic
    • Production companies CBK, Filmové studio Barrandov, Sebor

    Movie reviews

     ( 7 ) Add reviews

    • By Ophelia 2022-11-12 13:34:17


      Foreman's day-to-day preoccupation is likely somewhat influenced by Passel, who has written and assisted him since his debut. In the previous work "Black Peter", the method of spreading the narrative into the daily life of every detail finally shows its light in this "Blonde Love". Viewers have to put up with those long paragraphs, and it's the long, grueling boredom that allows the film's humor to shine through and the plot to move forward. The scene where one of the trio of officers at the...

    • By Kiana 2022-11-05 00:51:51

      Dew marriage, no end and no fruit

      Speaking of the name Milos Foreman, most people may be unfamiliar, but when it comes to several of his masterpieces - "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", "Mozart Biography" and "Sex Book Tycoon", many people will feel like thunder.

      "Blonde Love" is Milos Foreman's second work, born in the new wave of Czech cinema, and was nominated for the Oscar for best foreign language film that year.

      To be honest, the play of this film is actually quite ordinary, even a little...

    • By Reginald 2022-09-15 22:09:53

      It's better to just have a dance, and so on for the rest.

      The female workers dancing with the soldiers in the middle is really well shot. Many of them are short shots, and the editing is good. The shots are used to explain, not the dialogue.

      But the rest is the same. The first 1/3 of the scenes are too average, and it's not even obvious who is the protagonist.
      If it weren't for "Blonde Love", you might think that the singing woman in the first shot was the protagonist, but in the back it was just a passerby in the same dormitory....

    • By Silas 2022-09-15 18:20:37

      I have a little scar here

      "Blonde Love" (1965) is another masterpiece by Milos Foreman after "Black Peter". Andra, a blonde girl who works in a shoe factory in Zluk, Czech Republic, told her girlfriend Marie about her relationship with Prague pianist Mida. Andra had a boyfriend Dongda before, but the stingy Dongda made her very upset and broke up after that.

      At a military-civilian dance...

    • By Percival 2022-09-15 18:16:29

      love trap

      The film begins with a conversation between blonde Andura and her roommate. Andura, who works in a factory, is a very simple girl who yearns for and believes in love. However, she has experienced a love tragedy. The interesting thing is that this is obviously a sad story of a girl who was deceived and deceived. The ubiquitous humorous elements added by Foreman are uniquely tempered, and the sadness and joy alternate with each other. …

      The film is basically divided into three...

    User comments

      ( 26 ) Add comments

    • By Kale 2023-09-13 08:01:44

      The dance hall part is brilliant, the dramatic effect is very...

    • By Bethany 2023-08-03 08:42:37

      8.1/10. A love story about a girl who cheated on her boyfriend and was mad for love and was abandoned by the scumbag of the sea king. The film is full of interesting humor (such as the scene where the scumbag and his parents quarreled in bed), the overall level is ≤8.3, but the ending is a bit sad and not light enough, so 0.2 is...

    • By Kristy 2023-07-17 03:02:36

      Life still has to go...

    • By Jordan 2023-06-15 05:36:32

      Gently and lightly, it reminds me of the lightness of writing when Calvino gave a lecture in the United...

    • By Rosella 2023-06-03 02:38:21

      7. The three films Forman made in the Czech Republic were all very interesting, and they all used a lot of music with national characteristics. The part about picking up girls at the dance is a bit funny. The male lead's parents are like the father in Black Peter, and they also reflect the Czech...

    Movie quotes

    • Milda's Father: Who am I to probe into her personal life?

      Milda's Mother: You could have taken a close look.

      Milda's Father: I did; but, I didn't see anything. What was I supposed to see?

    • Milda's Mother: Who knows how this will turn out?

    • Milda's Mother: [to Andula] You can't stay here with us. Poppa, what do you say?

      Milda's Father: If he invited her, we'll look after her until he gets home. We're not gonna throw her out. We'll make room for her.

      Milda's Mother: You keep out of it. That won't work. What would people say? A girl comes to see Milda and we let her stay the night?

      Milda's Father: Would you kick her out on the street?

      Milda's Mother: Keep out of this.