

  • Director: Allen Coulter
  • Countries of origin: United States, Canada
  • Language: English, Spanish
  • Release date: September 8, 2006
  • Sound mix: DTS, Dolby Digital
  • Aspect ratio: 1.85 : 1
  • Also known as: Truth, Justice, and the American Way
  • "Hollywoodland" (Hollywoodland) is a 2006 suspense and thriller film produced by American Focus Films. The film was directed by Allen Coulter, starring Adrien Brody , Diane Lane , Ben Affleck, etc. It was released in the United States on September 8, 2006.
    The film tells the story of actor George Rivers, who died of a bullet in his bedroom at home, and the mother, who lost her son, in order to find the truth and hires private detective Louis to conduct a comprehensive investigation   .


    • Release date September 8, 2006
    • Filming locations Oakville, Ontario, Canada
    • Production companies Focus Features, Miramax, Back Lot Pictures

    Box office


    $28,000,000 (estimated)

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 16 ) Add reviews

    • By Jean 2022-03-21 09:03:18

      boring ukiyo-e

      One more star is purely for the photography itself and the big nose male protagonist. As for the story... a little depressing.

      SO "Superman" is actually a homosexual. He loves his boyfriend but goes to the MGM CEO's wife for "career", and then wakes up and pretends to "don't know"? ‍♀️ (Is there such a bitch..???) What's even more ridiculous is that the CEO's wife, who seems to be shrewd and capable, actually "can't see it"...? ? ? He immediately took the initiative to give the...

    • By Esmeralda 2022-03-15 09:01:10

      Talking about the meaning of cigarettes in movies

      In the movie, the scene of the male protagonist Louis chewing gum seems to be a bit too much. It wasn't until halfway through the movie, when I saw the scene where the male protagonist couldn't bear to rummage for cigarettes, I suddenly realized:

      He was chewing gum to quit smoking.

      When thinking, he took out a piece of chewing gum and chewed it in his mouth; before asking the insider, he took out a piece of chewing gum and began to chew. Chew a piece of gum whenever he wanted to...

    • By Angel 2022-03-15 09:01:10

      Can't write short reviews here

      The film itself has three stars, and the expression of the father and son's relationship at the end adds one star. The encounter with Superman shows Gatsby's feeling. Of course, I must say that I haven't seen the Gatsby movie version. People read whatever books they were reading. From Haruki Murakami to Fitzgerald to Kafka, I was so young that I broke down. Later, Gatsby made it into a movie. The rush of them makes me very disgusted. When it comes to this film, the ending seems very open,...

    • By Hildegard 2022-03-14 14:12:30

      god prophecy movie

      I like Big Ben, the blurred eyes, the vague Boston accent, the smart and assertive mind, and the facial paralysis acting that hides the mind. This is the only time a 45-year-old man's acting skills broke out. The twitchy and slightly exaggerated performance just fits the character's unsatisfactory struggling heart.

      The truth of the film itself is hesitant to say, and outside the film, whether Da Ben's acting skills are worthy of the best actor is still debatable. However, Daben has...

    • By Nick 2022-02-28 08:02:06

      A case that never has the truth

      I personally watched this film for the male protagonist of the pianist, and I was not disappointed. The suspenseful ending seemed to make people still unfinished at the end. For a film like this based on a real-life case, the truth will never be clear and unexplored. Therefore, the director wisely uses the ingenious idea to divert or guide the audience to pay attention to the death factors of the deceased from another angle with the narrative of the conflict with his wife's divorced detective's...

    User comments

      ( 57 ) Add comments

    • By Ericka 2022-04-22 07:01:53

      What's weird is that Big Bird Ben won a Venice actor for this...

    • By Dandre 2022-03-27 09:01:21

      no idea what it's really...

    • By Lorenz 2022-03-27 09:01:21

      AdrienBrody is so handsome. . . Ka Ka...

    • By Berneice 2022-03-27 09:01:21

      Smelly and long. There is no joy in the process. The director himself doesn't know how to end...

    • By Nicolette 2022-03-27 09:01:21

      There is a strong sense of Zodiac, the same does not give the final answer, the same unsustainable family relationship, the difference is that this time the incident takes place in a micro-society called...

    Movie plot

    On June 16, 1959, George Rivers ( Ben Affleck ) , the first popular actor to play Superman , was found dead at his home in Beverly Hills.
    Thousands of fans were shocked. George's fiancée, actress Lelore ( Robin Tunney ), was even more heartbroken . Under the investigation of the Los Angeles police, it was concluded that George died of suicide, and the case was quickly settled. The mother, Helen, who is desperate to lose her son, has...
    more about Hollywoodland Movie plot

    Evaluation action

    "Hollywoodland" is a very watchable film, and the actor's excellent performance made it occupy a place in the 2006 film. However, due to the improper scheduling of the director, the collision between the actors in the film made the audience feel a little lacking. The performance between George and the theater's main wife tended to be dull and did not have too many highlights. It was just for the needs of the plot. A little regret. The...
    more about Hollywoodland Evaluation action

    Movie quotes

    • Eddie Mannix: I'm in the picture business.

    • Chuck: You're not invited, Simo.

      Louis Simo: Were you?

      Chuck: We're working.

      Louis Simo: Why don't you lay off? Mister Harris!

      Rick Harris: Hello, Louis.

      Louis Simo: You come up from Palos Verdes just to see me?

      Rick Harris: I came here to celebrate my friends' anniversary. You've met Mister Mannix.

      Louis Simo: No. But we've got people in common. Ain't that right, Eddie?

      Eddie Mannix: I've got nothin' in common with you.

      Louis Simo: Bernice, the first missus. You like that car crash gimmick, huh?

      Eddie Mannix: Rick...

      Louis Simo: Riva Watson. She get all clingy? How'd it feel, pounding her face in? Happy times, huh, Ed?

      Eddie Mannix: Richard, please.

      Louis Simo: George Reeves...

      Rick Harris: That's enough, Louis.

      Louis Simo: Am I being indiscreet? Bad for business, huh?

      Rick Harris: Louis, your problems are your own.

      Louis Simo: Ricky, you cover for this prick?

      Rick Harris: Whatever you're pursuing here, whatever fantasy... you've constructed will not alter your past.

      Louis Simo: You had a bullet put in Reeves' head! He used the studio and the cops -

      [Chuck punches him in the stomach]

      Louis Simo: You're gonna burn in hell, you sonofabitch!

      Eddie Mannix: Come here. You don't know me. You don't know what I think. What I do. I don't let you.

      Louis Simo: You're an old man, Eddie. Who's gonna wipe the blood off your hands?

      Eddie Mannix: My hands? I'm in the picture business.

      Louis Simo: No, you're a murderer.

      Eddie Mannix: Prove it. You hear me? Go on, I'm ready. Prove one fuckin' thing.

    • Toni Mannix: [Reeves steps in to get a photograph with Rita Hayworth] Just made it.

      George Reeves: Beg your pardon?

      Toni Mannix: Into the picture.

      George Reeves: Was someone taking a picture? I hadn't noticed.

      [Reeves lights Mannix' cigarette]

      Toni Mannix: My, we're awfully well-trained, Mister...

      George Reeves: George Reeves.

      [Mannix laughs]

      George Reeves: Was it the line or the delivery?

      Toni Mannix: I laugh when I'm happy.

      George Reeves: I see. Well, who is it I'm making so happy?

      Toni Mannix: I'm Toni.

      George Reeves: Just a poor girl with no last name.

      [Mannix laughs again]

      George Reeves: I had no idea I could spread this much joy!

      Toni Mannix: Who knows what you might be spreading?

      [Reeves grins]

      Toni Mannix: Your turn.

      George Reeves: I'm afraid you've got me!